Sunday, 20 March 2016

Editing our film opening

Following on from February the 15th, we have since been editing our film opening every Tuesday after school between 3:40- 5 and every Friday during period 1. These dates have included February 23rd, and 26th, and March 1st, 4th, 8th, 11th and 18th. We have also edited our footage on the additional dates of March 10th during periods 1 and 2 and during period 3 on March 16th as these were media lessons in which we were able to edit our footage in.

We began by trying to make the flashback part of our film opening seem like a flashback without it being too obvious or subtle. To do this I began by adding in a 'fade' effect at the beginning of the flashback and the same 'fade' effect at the end, making them the same length at the beginning an end too. This happened on February the 23rd. However, before choosing the right transition to include, we had to watch them all to see which one worked the best and made our opening look the most continuous. Then on February the 26th and March 1st I watched all of the effects on Final Cut Pro to determine which of them looked best on our flashback so that it was obvious to the audience that Henry was having a flashback but not too obvious/ cheesy. We decided on the effect called 'Flash' as it showed the footage looking distorted which symbolises how Henry's memories aren't fully clear to him as he is remembering something that happened a little while ago. When adding this effect in, I reduced the amount of the effect that was on each clip to make it look less over powering. However, this was slightly tricky to do as I had to make sure it was at the same amount on each clip in the flashback.

For the sound, after we had initially chosen what background music we wanted, we changed our minds and instead thought that it would be better to have two different songs for the opening sequence and main section of our film opening. We took to Youtube looking for more royalty free songs and found two new ones that we thought fitted the theme of our film opening well. Therefore we took our the old song out and added in two new ones, one called 'Royalty free sad slow guitar dramatic music- free download' and one called. We saved these songs as mp3's and imported them into iTunes from which we then dragged the music over onto Final Cut pro. Here, I edited the music down to the correct length and positioned it in the right places. Then, I edited the sound, making the ending of the first piece of music gradually get quieter and then making the beginning and end of the second piece of music get gradually louder/quieter so that the transition between each of the different pieces of music is fluid and the music at the ending of the clip doesn't stop suddenly and instead gradually ends.

However, there was still a lot more editing to be done where the sound was concerned. We still needed to record, upload and edit our sermon, Levictus 20:13, for our flashback scenes, which proved difficult to do. We recorded our sermon a total of three separate times which all were problematic for different reasons. when recording our first sermon, the microphone wasn't working properly therefore the sound of the man speaking wasn't clear enough and there was a lot of background noise. Also, the person who recorded our sermon couldn't pronounce some of the words correctly and stuttered at certain points, therefore we decided to scrap this recording and try again. We then re-recorded our sermon with a different person and this time recorded it on my phone. The recording of it went well with no background noise and the speech sounding fluid however it proved difficult when getting it from my phone onto the computer. Therefore, we then re filmed it again on Milly's phone with a different man, which again, the recording of the actual sermon went will, but there were still difficulties when trying to upload it onto the computer. Eventually however, we ending up getting the second recording onto the computer through emailing the recording and saving it in a different format to what we had previously tried. This format allowed us to save the recording into iTunes and then drag it onto Final cut pro. When we had it on there I then had to edit it so that it sounded right. To begin this process I cut the voice recording down slightly so that there wasn't background noise at the beginning and end of the recording. Then I positioned it so that it was in the correct place, starting when our character Henry is looking worried just before the flashback begins and ending just before the end of the flashback when Henry and his boyfriend are holding hands laughing the park. Next, I made the sermon get gradually louder at the beginning and gradually quieter at the end so that it didn't sound too harsh when the speaking started and stopped. Because we had someone speak the sermon who wasn't involved in the creation of our opening before, we added his name to the title sequence in the same font/ colour as the other names. Next, I had to sort out the volume of the sound that was going on whilst the sermon was playing. To do this, I split the background song into two sections so that before the sermon started the sound was louder and then when the sermon and the results were revealed the sound was quieter so that you could here what was said. To change the level of the sound I moved the volume bar on the sound recording up/down until it sounded as though it was at the right volume.

We then re watched the entire opening scene and realised that the sound when the results are about to be revealed were still not right. Therefore we realised that this needed editing, particularly when the doctor said 'Do you have any questions?' as before she speaks there was a long of background noise. We then had to re watch this particular clip a few times, each time cutting a little bit more of the sound out. To cut our the sound I doubled clicked on the clip which aloud the clips to expand itself and show the video footage and sound recording as two separate things. This meant that I was then able to cut the sound out without cutting the actual clip out as well. Therefore we re watched the scene multiple times until we were sure that as much of the unwanted background sound was cut out as possible, however there is still unfortunately some left. We also edited volume levels on some of the clips where the results are able to be revealed to make them all the same volume as each other because before we had done this the digetic sound of people speaking was much louder in some clips than others due to the microphone being closer to them.

We then decided to add some more clips into our opening to improve it. We filmed a clip of a tock clicking which to do we had to put our camera with our tripod on it onto a table so that the camera was level to the clock. We then imported the footage of the clock into Final cut pro and edited it so that the clip was shorter and so that we didn't have the parts of the clip where the camera was re focusing, wonky, and/or there was lots of background noise. When I had edited the footage to the right length, I then put the clip just before the flashback had started and also just after it has ended to resemble how Henry was having a flashback and his mind was taking him back in time and then back to present day. In the second clip of the flashback, we added in a non-digetic sound of a clock ticking. To do this we watched royalty free lock ticking sounds on Youtube and when we found one that we all liked we saved the sound into iTunes and I imported it onto Final cut pro. I then edited the length of the sound and tried to position it in the scene so that the sound of the clock ticking was in time to the video of the clock actually ticking. This proved problematic as it was hard for the two to match up however it was eventually achieved. Also, I edited the volume of the clock noise so that it was relatively loud.  I believe that by adding in this sound it emphasises the fact that Henry had a flashback and it makes the audience sympathise more with him as it shows how anxious and worried he really is.

New background music for our opening scene

After re watching our opening scene, we decided that it would be best if we found two separate songs for it. Therefore we went onto Youtube to look up 'Royalty free sad songs'. Instead of only choosing one new background song for our opening, we chose two which we didn't initially plan to do however we found two songs that we believed worked better. The first image shows the song we chose for our title sequence and film name introduction and the second image is the song we chose for our main film opening. The second image shows the background song that we have used for the main section of our film opening.