Saturday 20 February 2016

BBFC creation

To create our BBFC sign to put at the beginning of our film opening we began by googling BBFC images that we could take to use. As we could not find one with an age rating the same as our film (15), we instead chose one with a 12A age rating.

To change the rating to fit our film, we then had to use photoshop to add a 15 age rating sign over the top of the 12A one. We googled 15 rating signs, picked one and cut out the white background of it in photoshop.

We also made it smaller and moved it to fit over the 12A sign in order to fit our BBFC properly. We then used the text option in photoshop and typed in our film name 'Retribution' on the line where the film fits. Finally, we added it in to our film opening using Final Cut Pro, to go straight after our ident.

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