Thursday 7 January 2016

Inital ideas for our opening and discussion of genre

 Inital ideas for our opening:

Romantic/ drama genre:

  • Storyline- Two male teenagers fall in love. One of the boys, Finn, has a strong Christian family. The other family are drug users and give the boy, Matt,  has an unstable home life.  The two boys meet at school despite adverse criticisms and having to hide their relationship from everyone around them. The boy with the drug using family contracts HIV however he doesn’t realize this and when he and his boyfriend have sex, he transmits it to his boyfriend as well.
  • Set in England, Oxford. We will film parts of it in Oxford and parts in Didcot as well.
  • Set in the present day

  • To educate people on the struggles of HIV and AIDS and to represent gay people. 

Discussion of genre:
Romantic Dramas are hybrids and tend to use conventions associated with both genres. Though a drama which is applicable to all sexes due to the fact that it is also a romance makes it more appealing to the females or effeminate males. However, the genre still uses convention of both a romance and a drama so despite being a Romance you can still find mild action and pressing topics due to the influence of Drama.

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